Club Policies

The Purpose of Policies

Having policies helps to clarify:

  • The guiding principles for the way the Club works, and who and what it values
  • What members can and cannot do to ensure their inclusion, satisfaction, comfort and enjoyment (and, in turn, what the Club will do)
  • How everyone will be treated – fairly, equally and respectfully

While developing policies can seem like a daunting task, they save enormous time and energy in the long run and help keep everyone in the Club involved and included.

Providing a fair, professional and organized environment helps the members feel that the Club knows what it is doing and respects and appreciates its members.

A Listing of Computer Club Policies


Club Access to CA StaffAcceptable Topics for Club PresentationsUse of Computer Club Facilities
Policy # Policy Title
000 General Statement of Policy
001Code of Conduct
002 Records Retention
003 Club Communications
004Club Access to CA Staff
006Acceptable Topics for Club Presentations
008Reimbursements for Speakers and Instructors
009Use of Computer Club Facilities
 010Club Donations
013 Reimbursement for Expenses
015 Help Center 
019Recognition Programs


Policy numbers not listed have been rescinded or have been combined into other policies.

Updated April 2023