Computer Club Class Registration

Signing Up for a Class 

  1. From the Computer Club Calendar (left navigation panel under Education), verify the class you wish to register for is not full and then click Register.
  2. From the class pop-up screen, verify information, and then click Register.
  3. From the headcount pop-up screen, click Save Registration.
  4. Pop-up message. “Registration not confirmed until payment has been made. Please use the Pay Now button …”

Payment is only accepted for these Credit Cards: Discover, MasterCard or VISA. Payment is NOT available by American Express or other credit cards, nor is payment available by check or cash.

  1. On the pop-up, click [Done] to continue registration, then click [PAY NOW] which will show the choice of Credit Card payment.
  2. Click on Pay with Credit Card to continue the process.
  3. Fill out Credit Card info and submit. This is the secure payment system used by Sun City Community Association. Enter the data requested. The PAY bar will remain grey until all data is entered.
  4. Once the bar turns blue, click the bar to send the info to the credit card company.
  5. If credit info was entered correctly, you will receive a Payment Successfully Processed! message and you will be registered for the class. 

You will also receive an email within a few minutes:

Subject: Order Confirmation 
rom: SUN CITY TEXAS CLUB MEMBERSHIP <[email protected]>
Contents: Your payment has been approved, amount of payment, class name and other details. 

NOTE:  The Computer Club Lab monitors can assist you.

Class Attendance (Online Class Registration)

Please bring a copy of your emailed receipt to class.


If a class is cancelled by the Computer Club, the Club will:

  • Request refunds from Sun City CA Accounting.
  • Send an email to the class registrant informing that the cancellation has been initiated. The email will include an approximate time frame for Sun City CA Accounting to create a check in the refund amount.

If the student needs to cancel a class:

  • Note: Changed starting with August 2024 Education Calendar 
  • We regret that refunds are available only when the entire class has been cancelled by the Computer Club.
  • Individual refunds are not available if the class has not been cancelled by the Computer Club.
  • Please read the class description with care and confirm that you have room on your calendar to attend the class before registering and paying.

Updated July 25, 2024