The Computer Club offers a great variety of classes. Contact the Education Director if you have questions that aren't answered below.
Click on the Online Registration Calendar (left Navigation panel under Education) to:
- Find exact dates when a class will be offered
- Check if class seats are available
- Register for a class
NOTE: You must be logged in to see the calendar.
What classes are available for me to take?
We offer a wide variety of classes. Click on Course Descriptions in the left panel under Education to see a list of those classes.
In what order should I take classes?
For classes you might be interested in, read the course description (under Course Descriptions) to see if the class you want carries a prerequisite. If it doesn't, sign up for the class you want. If it does, sign up for the prerequisite and then you'll be ready for the class you want.
What classes are offered right now?
Be sure to log in and check the Online Registration Calendar for all classes being offered in a particular month. Members will get the Education Newsletter towards the end of the month listing the courses to be offered the following month. If you don't see a Register button, it's either full, or registration hasn't started yet.
Be a lifelong learner - TAKE A CLASS!
Updated July 2023