WRD102-Word Templates


Word Templates

One 2-hr Session


  • Familiarity with working in Microsoft Word.
  • The class will be based on Word 2019, but the approach can be applied to all Microsoft products such as Excel, PowerPoint, and Publisher. If you have Microsoft 365, you will have the most recent version of Word. For Microsoft 365 subscribers, Microsoft offers Premium templates.


Almost anything that you want to do in Office, someone has already thought of and created a template. Templates make the most of various features of the program—features you might not be familiar with and might not otherwise have used, so the right template can make creating attractive documents much quicker and easier. Microsoft provides you with many pre-built templates, including calendars, business cards, letters, greeting cards, brochures, newsletters, forms, recipes, and much more, so save time by learning to use them!



  • Learn about templates
  • Locate and access the templates
  • Use the search feature to select a template
  • Create a document based on a selected template
  • Apply modifications when you create a document using a template
  • Modify an existing template and save as a new template
  • Create a new template and save for future use
  • Consider certain points when working with templates

Capacity: 12



One 2-hr Session

One 2-hr Session