Fun Foto Social

Event Date: Friday, October 25, 2019
Event Time: 4:00 pm
Event End Time: 6:00 pm
Event Category: Social Events

Our next Fun Foto Social is on Friday, Oct. 25 from 4:00-6:00 PM in the Activities Center, Game Rooms 1 & 2.  Please bring enough goodies, snacks, finger food, etc. to share with the whole group.  Remember to bring your own choice of beverage.  During the social I'll be displaying some of your favorite photos.


1.  Resize your images down to about 1200 pixels on the long side.  If you don't know how to do this, just send them to me full size attached to an e-mail.  I'll resize them for you.  Photos that have significantly fewer pixels do not look good on our wall monitor screen. 

2.  ATTACH your photos to an e-mail message sent directly to:  [email protected] 
Please do NOT send TIFFs or BMPs, just JPGs.  Do not download your images into the body of an e-mail message.  Instead, attach them to a regular e-mail message to me.  Thank you!

3.  DO NOT bring your photos on a FLASH DRIVE.  
Important Exception:  if you've had difficulty sending me stuff in the past, please DO bring them on a flash drive that has your name on it.

4.  Send no more than ten (10) photos each month.

5.  Send your e-mail with attachments by the end of the WEDNESDAY BEFORE each month's Fun Foto Social.  I need to receive them early so I can arrange them into a slideshow.

Remember: your photos can be whatever you want to share with the group!