Special Astronomy Presentation

Event Date: Monday, August 27, 2018
Event Time: 7:00 pm
Event End Time: 8:00 pm
Event Category: Special Events


Please join us Monday 7PM at the Cowan Creek Center in the Florence room as we host a returning speaker,  Hank Haliasz, as he gives us a sample of his upcoming Senior University program:

The Race for Space

In 1957, The Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1 and started a vigorous race with the United
States for domination of the new high ground – space.  America “won” that first race when
we landed humans on the Moon.  Now, 61 years later, the scene has drastically changed.
Russia, China, Japan, and India are challenging the U.S., again for superiority in the new

And within the United States, NASA is being challenged by several corporations, each trying to demonstrate that they have the “right stuff” when it comes to going back to the Moon and to
landing humans on Mars. And who will oversee and govern all of these players?  Will the rules
of the U.N.’s 1967 Outer Space Treaty be enough to control this new mad dash to the “high
ground?”  And how will America’s newly announced Space Force impact the competition?