Modification Application Submissions
Please submit your application to the Community Standards Services Office, Social Center, 2 Texas Drive, Georgetown, TX, 78633 by mail, or email to [email protected].
Community Standards Services Office Hours:
M, T, W & F: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Closed Thursdays
Modifications Committee 2025 Meetings
1/9/2025 | 7/3/2025 |
1/23/2025 | 7/17/2025 |
2/6/2025 | 7/31/2025 |
2/20/2025 | 8/7/2025 |
3/6/2025 | 8/21/2025 |
3/20/2025 | 9/4/2025 |
3/21/2025 | 9/18/2025 |
4/3/2025 | 10/2/2025 |
4/17/2025 | 10/16/2025 |
5/1/2025 | 10/30/2025 |
5/17/2025 | 11/6/2025 |
5/29/2025 | 11/20/2025 |
6/5/2025 | 12/4/2025 |
6/19/2025 | 12/18/2025 |
Applications are due by noon on the Friday preceding each meeting.
Please use the correct form - available on the website at Community Standards Resources or from the Community Standards Services Office.
One copy of the application with attachments is needed. The packet will become the property of the Community Standards Office.
Thank you for your cooperation!