Irrigation Pipe Location
By: John Shideler – LI 6728
Sun City lawn sprinkler systems are unique because 95% of the systems have designed features that are similar. Most of the main line, lateral lines and wiring are located in the same ditch around the foundation of the house. The piping is normally located 10 to 12 inches from the foundation and is 4 to 8 inches deep in the same trench.
State law requires the licensed person installing a new system must provide the home owner an "irrigation plan indicating the actual installation of the system". CHAPTER 344, LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION 30 TAC PARAGRAPH 344.63 (3)
If the home owner does not have a final irrigation plan, they should ask the builder if they have a copy of the plan. If no plan can be found, there are two methods of finding the piping and wiring of the system.
Normally, the wiring for the electric zone valves is installed under the main line of the system. Most licensed irrigators have equipment to locate the system wiring (521 Locater or equivalent). The 521 is attached to the wiring and sends an electric signal through the wiring directly to the valve.
The signal is audible through a portable receiver. This signal can be followed to the location of the proposed system alteration/modification. The irrigator can then dig down and confirm the actual location of the piping.
Assuming the aforementioned facts, "piping is normally located 10 to 12 inches from the foundation and is 4 to 8 inches deep in the same trench", the irrigator can go to the approximate site of the proposed modification. Using a shovel, the irrigator can locate the piping manually. This location can be used for the initial "drawing" on the Application Form for Modifications.