Astronomy SIG Meeting

Event Date: Monday, October 25, 2021
Event Time: 7:00 pm
Event End Time: 8:00 pm


Nature Club Members:

Please join us Monday, October 25th for the Astronomy SIG's last meeting of the year.
We will be in the Florence room at Cowan Creek Activity Center starting at 7PM and
running about an hour.

The program for the night will be:

"How the Solar System Family is Organized" and "The Earth - Moon System"

two subjects from "A Field Guide to the Planets" a new offering of The Great Courses.

Discussions may follow.

If you have questions about Astronomy,
Space Exploration or related topics, please
contact the SIG Leaders:

Astronomy Co-Chair: Dave Lingo [email protected]
Astronomy Co-Chair: Rick Wagoner [email protected]