ROMEO Luncheon

Event Date: Wednesday, July 7, 2021
Event Time: 11:30 am
Event End Time: 1:00 pm

Retired Old Men Eating Out (ROMEO) Luncheon – Wednesday, July 7th George Gaumont 


mmm … mmm Good! 


Our get-together this month will be on Wednesday, July 7th at 11:30 am at Dale's Essenhaus – 3900 FM 972 in Wahlburg.  

Directions to the restaurant: North on IH35, exit #268.  At the stop sign, turn right, and travel east for 4 miles on FM 972.  It is approximately 1 mile beyond the Lutheran Church on the right side of the road.  

Every Wednesday, Dale features his special of the day, Chicken & Dumplings – mmm … mmm good!  Even Grandma would be envious.  Dale's is also noted for being the home of the famous "Wahlburger."    

So, now that we can safely go out to eat, why not join your friends and neighbors at the Essenhaus for a delightful noontime get-together?  

Please let George know by Tuesday, July 6th if you plan to attend.  Call 512-591-7613 or email  

P.S.: Let George know if you need a ride and don't forget to wear your name tag.