Field Trip Natural Bridges Caverns

Event Date: Thursday, February 13, 2020
Event Time: 8:00 am
Event Category: Field Trip

Where To:  Natural Bridge Caverns
When:        Thur. Feb. 13th
Depart:      8:00 AM from the SC Ballroom parking lot near the tennis courts 
Return:       3:00 PM-ish
Carpooling: please call Jim (512-819-1043) if you can drive with other passengers

We are going to Natural Bridge Caverns just north of San Antonio.  It's about a 2-hour drive.  Ticket prices vary day-to-day, but range from $18-20 mid-week.  We'll be taking the "Hidden Passages Tour", which lasts about 70 minutes.  

Tripods and monopods are "Not Recommended" according to their website ( ).  The photos on their website show nicely lit scenes, so we may not need tripods after all.  High ISO numbers might the best tip of the day.

The tour covers about 1/3 of a mile, and goes almost 200 feet below the surface, which means that there will be a lot of stair steps.  If you can't deal with lots of stairs, I recommend that you NOT do this trip.  The temperature inside the caverns is a constant 70 degrees, and the humidity is 99%.  

When we're done, we can have lunch in the park's Visitor Center, or maybe find a restaurant outside of the park.