Square Dance Etiquette
Square dancing is a social activity. Wear a name badge and introduce yourself to the dancers in your square.
It is club policy that drinking alcohol and dancing do not mix. Even one glass of wine can impair your learning and dancing ability, causing you to lose concentration and break down your square.
Avoid strong fragrances. Some dancers have fragrance sensitivities to strong perfumes and deodorants, causing breathing problems or an allergic reaction.
When the music starts head out onto the dance floor. Get up and dance!
You don't need a dance partner. Ask someone to dance! You can go on the dance floor and form your own square or enter an incomplete existing square.
Listen to the caller. It's okay if you miss a call, listen for the next call and try to catch up.
If your square breaks down, form lines so the caller can get your square back to dancing as quickly as possible.
Always let the caller explain the call. It's hard to hear the caller when other people are talking or being noisy.
The default hand-holding position is right hand palm up, left hand palm down. This way everyone always interlocks.
Be gentle with other dancers. Use a gentle handhold. Most experienced dances will touch, but not grab, the other dancers' hand. Never push or drag a person into position.
Energetic dancing is fun, but make sure you understand the limitations of everyone in your square. You don't want your exuberance to injure another dancer.
Know your own limitations. It is ok to sit out a tip. Square dancing should be a fun social activity, not a strenuous workout.
Keep your squares tight. Sometimes while dancing we can drift away from one another. It is easier to keep time with the music and easier to move into the next formation if we're closer to one another.
Don't leave your square unless there is an emergency. If you must leave a square, let the other dancers know.
Thank your square at the end of each tip.
Feel free to talk to our caller, ask questions about square dancing or just have a friendly chat. They are social people, too!
Experienced dancers should limit coaching of less experienced dancers to the time between tips. Make sure that your coaching is welcome, your instructions are accurate, and your advice is always given in a friendly, constructive manner.