About Us

Actors & Theatre Arts Guild



The Actors and Theatre Arts Guild is a chartered club and includes more than 200 talented, fun-loving people who love the smell of greasepaint and the roar of the crowd.

Each year, the club produces at least three main-stage plays plus an annual Follies in the ballroom. Actors, directors, singers and dancers are not the only people important to the group.  Those who labor at backstage, off-stage and non-stage assignments are equally important.  Set designers, set builders, costume designers, seamstresses, make up experts, lighting and sound technicians, advertising and marketing creators and illustrators, and those who create, acquire and move props and set decoration are all mandatory for successful productions.

The Guild meets twice a month, on the second and third Mondays.  On the first Monday, the Guild conducts a members/business meeting at 10:00 a.m. in the Lone Star Room at the Retreat Amenity Center.  On the third Monday, we meet at 1:30 pm at same place to enjoy and have fun with various activities.  Come to any meeting and check us out.  Membership is only $12.00 per year.

Mad Hatters is AcTAG’s outreach to the community.  Two troupes of six to eight members each wearing many colorful hats visit elementary schools, pre-schools and Alzheimer’s groups to teach and entertain them with animated fairy tales.

Come join us.  You’ll find plenty to do, even if you don’t want to be on stage or in the spotlight.  For your questions about the Guild, simply click “Contact Us” in the left navigation bar and fill out the form that will be displayed.