Zoomers Bylaws

Revised November 2023


Section A – Name of Organization

·       The name of this organization shall be Sun City Texas Zoomers (the “Club”).

Section B – Purpose of Organization

·       The purpose of the Club is to provide a forum for fellowship and social activities for all residents of Sun City Texas interested in an active adult lifestyle.

·       The Club shall also undertake Sun City community projects as deemed appropriate by the Board.

Section C – Compliance

·       These bylaws shall fully comply with the Governing Documents (“Documents”) and the Policy for Chartered Clubs (Policy) of the Sun City Texas Community Association (the “Association”).

·       In the event of a conflict between these Bylaws and the Documents or Policy, the documents or Policy will prevail.

Section D - Type of Organization

·       The Club shall be operated as a not for profit organization in accordance with the applicable statutes and the Association’s Documents.


Section A – Non-Discrimination

·       Membership shall be open, without discrimination, to all Association members who are in good standing with the Association and who are Sun City residents.

·       There shall be no precondition for membership, nor will members be required to join any national, state, or regionally affiliated organization.


Section B – Guest Privileges

·       Club functions are for Club members only.

·       An exception may be made for a guest(s) of a Member, as long as the guest(s) is not a Sun City resident.  At the discretion of the Standing Committee Chair exceptions may be made.

Section C – Dues and Fees

·       Annual dues shall be set by a majority vote of the Board at a duly convened meeting of the Board. Dues are payable on a calendar year basis.

·       Dues are payable on the 1st day of the calendar year.

·       For renewing members, dues not paid by January 31st shall be deemed delinquent and the member shall be dropped from the rolls.

·       All Sun City residents may join (or rejoin) at any time during the year.

·       A full year’s dues are payable regardless of the time of payment.

The Board may establish fees for participation in special activities to defray costs, as provided for in the Zoomers Policy Policies, and for use of club facilities and equipment. A different fee may be established for participating guests.


Section A – Board of Directors and Standing Committees

·       The Board of Directors (“the Board”) shall consist of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Associate Treasurer, Secretary, Membership/Hospitality Chair, Communications Chair, Webmaster, and the Chairs of the existing Standing Committees as identified in the following paragraph.

·       Standing Committees shall include Zoomer Inside Events (ZIE), Zoomer Outside Events (ZOE), Golf, Social Wine/Dine/Movies/More, Social Cards/Games/Bowling, and Zingles.

·       Standing Committee Chairs may appoint a Co-Chair or Assistant Chair. 

·       Each Standing Committee has only one vote.  Co-Chairs, Assistant Chairs, and the Associate Treasurer may vote if the Standing Committee Chair or Treasurer is absent.

·       The immediate Past President may serve as a non-voting member of the Board, and in case of a tie can cast the deciding vote.

Section B – Term of Office

·       The Board shall be elected by the membership annually as provided for in Section D, below.

·       There are no time restrictions on the terms of any Board position.

·       The terms of office begin January 1st and end December 31st.

·       Incoming and outgoing Board members shall work together to achieve a smooth transition.

Section C – Responsibilities of the Board

President –

·       Preside over all Club meetings and be responsible for the administration of all Club business.

·       Act as the principal liaison between the Club and the Association.

·       Form committees as approved by the Board

·       Ensure the financial and administrative integrity of the Club.

Vice President –

·       Perform the duties of the President in the latter’s absence.

·       Distribute monthly the updated list of Zoomers CA room reservations.

·       Be responsible for all room reservations and cancellations.

·       Recruit and facilitate the Nominating Committee per the Bylaws.

·       Perform other duties as may be requested by the President.

Secretary –

·       Keep all records and minutes of the meetings of the Membership

·       Conduct all correspondence relating to the Club

·       Furnish the Association with such reports as may be necessary

·       Ensure that the Club’s records are retained for three years and, upon leaving office, will pass the records to the successor Secretary

Treasurer –

·       Prepare an annual budget to be presented to the Board

·       Process to the CA accounting office and verify the propriety of, accounting information associated with all monies paid to and from the Club

·       Maintain an accounting system to provide Zoomers managers essential income and expense management information

·       Analyze such management information to ensure conformity with CA policies and internal Zoomers budgetary guidance

·       Provide results of such analyses to the Board and to Zoomer managers

·       Report results of Zoomers operations to Club membership through the monthly Board meeting minutes posted on the CA website


Associate Treasurer –

·       Gain knowledge needed to assist and to function as the Zoomers Treasurer on an “as needed” basis during the year of appointment.

·       In the event there is no current Treasurer, the Associate Treasurer shall assume the duties of Treasurer until the Treasurer is identified and trained.

Membership Chair –

·       Promote membership in Zoomers. 

·       Report to Zoomers Board the current status of Zoomers membership.

·       Lead Hospitality Committee efforts for Zoomers New Members Orientation and Zoomers Annual Membership Meeting

·       Oversee the Hospitality Committee and Badge Coordinator

·       Organize support for the CA New Member Orientations and Charter Club Fair

Communications Chair –

·       Provide all notifications to members

·       Requests for notifications can be received from Board Members and Standing Committee members only

·       Create and email a monthly Zoomer email with the president’s approval

·       Create the Zoomer article for the Sun Rays

Webmaster –

·       Maintain the Zoomers’ web page

·       Assist the Communications Chair in posting appropriate communications for members to the website

·       Provide back-up to the Communications Chair in his or her absence

Standing Committee Chairs -

·       Represent their Committees to the Board

·       Oversee activities and events for their groups. 

·       Communicate with coordinators for these groups. 

·       Communicate group openings and other relevant information to the Zoomers membership.

Section D – Nomination and Election Procedures

·       The Board Vice President shall recruit a Nominating Committee of not fewer than five (5) members. 

·       The Nominating Committee shall select a Chair.

·       This Committee shall develop a slate of at least one nominee for each open Board position. 

o   The Nominating Committee may communicate the open Board positions to the membership to identify interested candidates for these positions. 

o   The Nominating Committee shall vet all interested candidates to determine qualified candidates for each open position. 

o   If there is more than one qualified nominee for a position, all qualified nominees shall be listed on the ballot.

·       This slate shall be submitted to the Board for review and approval.

·       The Secretary shall place the names of the proposed slate of candidates onto the official ballot.

·       The official electronic ballot shall be sent to Members prior to the annual business meeting.

·       Results shall be announced at the annual meeting.

Section E – Succession Procedure

·       Should the office of the President become vacant, the Vice President will succeed to that position.

·       Should any other office become vacant, the President will fill the vacancy by appointment from among the Membership, subject to approval by a majority of the Board.


Section A – Business Meetings of the Membership

·       A business meeting of the Membership shall be held in the last calendar quarter of each year.

·       The President may call other business meetings of the Membership and must call such meetings when directed to do so by a majority vote of the Board.

·       The proceedings of all business meetings of the Membership shall be recorded in minutes by or under the supervision of the Secretary

·       These minutes shall be open for inspection by the Membership and by staff members and Directors of the Association.

·       Roberts Rule of Order Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of all business meetings of the Membership.

·       A quorum for actions at business meetings of the Membership shall consist of those members attending such meeting.

Section B – Meetings of the Board of Directors

·       The Board shall meet monthly at such time and place as designated by the President.

·       A minimum of five (5) Board members must be present in order to meet.

·       The President will also call such meetings as deemed necessary by the President or when directed to do so by a minimum of four of the Board Members.

·       The proceedings of all Board meetings shall be recorded in minutes by or under the supervision of the Secretary.

·       These minutes will be posted on the Zoomers website and shall be open for inspection by the Membership and by staff members and Director of the Association.

·       Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of all Board meetings.

·       A majority vote of the total of those voting is required to pass any action.

·       In case of a tie, the immediate Past President will vote.


Section A – Grievance

·       A Club member who has a grievance against the Club’s procedures or actions would first address his/her concern with the Chair of the appropriate committee or group.  If the grievance is not resolved, the grievance must then be directed to the Zoomers President.  If still unresolved the Club Member with a grievance must submit his/her grievances in writing to the Club’s Executive Board and the applicable sections of Association Policy for Chartered Clubs, Section 5.2.4 Grievance Procedures shall be adhered to.

Section B – Improper Behavior

·       Club members who become abusive or who blatantly create turmoil, disruption or dissension among Club members other Clubs, or the Association in general, or who otherwise violate the Club’s rules and governing documents, may be penalized by the Club per the Sun City Texas Community Association Policy for Charter Clubs.  The grievance procedure applies to all Zoomer activities regardless of location, including CA facilities, private homes, and locations outside Sun City.  The process for Appeals shall be as stated in the Association Policy for Chartered Clubs, Section 5.2.5.


Section A – Expenditures

·       The Board must authorize all expenditures of the Club funds through the budget process.

·       Payment requests processed by the Club to the Association’s accounting system must be approved by those members authorized by the Club Board and documented on the Association’s signature authority document.

Section B – Financial Procedures

·       The reporting year shall be from January 1 through December 31 of each year.

·       Financial procedures for collection, deposit and expenditure of funds shall comply with the procedures outlined in the Administrative Policy for Chartered Clubs.


Section A – Revisions

·       The Board shall review the Bylaws of the Club at least annually.

·       Recommended revisions shall be posted on the web page and voted on electronically by the Membership.

·       Approved revisions shall be effective 14 days after the vote if no objections from the Association are received.

Section B – For Revisions Proposed by the Membership

·       Any Member in good standing with the written endorsements of at least four (4) other Members in good standing may propose a revision to these Bylaws to the Board.


Prior to Club dissolution, and after all debts are satisfied, residual property and assets shall be turned over to the Association.