Radio Control Modelers By-Laws



September 01, 2011

Amended September 12, 2011

Amended October 01, 2014

Amended July 26, 2016

Amended February 12, 2019

Amended October 25, 2022



Section A - Name of Organization 

The name of this organization is the "Sun City Radio Control Modelers" of Sun City, Texas, (the “Club”). 


Section B - Purpose of Organization  

The purpose of the Club is to promote Radio Control Modeling as a worthwhile hobby, to promote the advancement of member competence and operator skills in the art of Radio Control Modeling, to further the exchange of information and cooperation between members, to conduct Club Programs and activities as to advance the general interest and welfare of Radio Control Modeling in the community. 


Section C - These By-Laws are intended to comply with the Governing Documents (Documents) and Administrative Policy (Policy) for Chartered Clubs of the Sun City Texas Community Association (the Association), Georgetown, TX. In the event of a conflict between these By-Laws and the Documents or Policy, the Document or Policy will prevail. 


Section D - The Club will be operated as a non-profit association in accordance with applicable statutes and the Association’s Documents. 



Section A - Membership shall be open, without discrimination, to all Association members who are in good standing with the Association and who are Sun City residents. 


Section B - There is no precondition for membership, nor will members be required to join any affiliated national, state or regional organization. 


Section C - Guest Privileges

Resident Guest – A resident guest is a resident of Sun City Texas who has not formally joined the club. Resident guests, adult occupants, as defined by the Association and qualified renters are all Association members qualified to join the Club. Homeowners who have not yet closed escrow may join on a temporary basis. 

Non-Resident Guest - All other individuals, who are accompanied by an Association Member, or are otherwise sponsored by an Association Member, are considered non-resident guests and do not qualify for Club membership but may attend regular meetings in accordance with the Association guidelines.  

Developer Guests – During the period of community development, and as long as the developer has the capability to annex land into the  community, Vacation Getaway (VG) visitors, prospective home buyers, and developer employed sales associates are considered developer guests. VG visitors may be accompanied by sales associates or may identify themselves with a VG Visitor card. Depending on the nature of Club activities, VG visitors and prospective home buyers may be permitted to participate in Club programs.  


Section D - Dues and Fees 

The amount and method of payment of annual dues shall be set by a majority vote of the Club's Board of Directors (Board) and approved by the Membership at a duly convened regular meeting of the membership.  

Dues are payable on the first day of the calendar year. Dues not paid by February 01 shall be deemed delinquent and the member shall be dropped from the roles. 

Members joining between July 01 and December 31 will pay ½ the yearly membership dues. Members joining between November 1 and December 31 may have their dues waived by the President.  

The Board may establish fees for participation in special activities to defray costs, as provided for in the Policy.  

A member must be current in the payment of dues in order to be a member in good standing. 




Section A - General Powers  

The affairs of the Club are managed by the Board which is accountable to the Membership. 


Section B - Board Members 


The Board will consist of the following officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, immediate Past President, Director of Web Services and Group Leaders. The Secretary/Treasurer may be combined into a single position. All Board Members may cast one vote. If a Board member holds more than one position on the Board, that individual will only have one vote.  

All Board officers, with the exception of the Director of Web Services and Group Leaders, will be elected by a vote of the membership

All Board Officers will serve without compensation. 


Section C - Terms of Office and Responsibilities  

The term of office for each officer begins January 1 and ends December 31.  

President - Shall preside over all Club meetings, assume responsibility for the administration of all Club business, act as the principal liaison to the Association; ensure the financial and administrative integrity of the Club; and appoint committees and assign areas of responsibility to members of the Board as deemed necessary. 

Vice President - Shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence and other such duties as may be assigned by the President. Shall act as a goodwill ambassador for the good of the club. Shall 

coordinate topics and speakers for the Club's meetings. 

Secretary - Shall keep all records and any minutes of the meetings of the membership and the Board; shall conduct all correspondence relating to the Club; shall issue notices of all meetings; shall retrieve Club mail from the Association and distribute it to the appropriate parties and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President. The Secretary shall ensure that the records are retained for at least three years and upon leaving office, shall deliver the records to the new Secretary; however, the Secretary may shred older records after consultation with the President.  

Treasurer - Shall receive all monies paid to the Club; shall submit Club check requests and deposits to the Association; shall supplement reports provided by the Association with Club-specific reports to help better manage Club business; shall furnish the Association with data as required; shall act in the best interests of the Club regardless of personal preference; shall report to the membership on the financial condition of the Club at the annual business meeting of the membership and such other times as the President may direct and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President. The Treasurer shall ensure that financial records are maintained as directed by the Association. 

Director of Web Services - Shall be the web architect, developer, author, administrator and is the person responsible for maintaining the Club Website as hosted by the Association. Shall be responsible for the distribution of all information to the club membership via e-mail. 


Section D - Nomination and Election Procedures 

The Board's Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) shall be elected by written ballot at the annual business meeting.  

The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of not less than three members, and shall be not less than 30 days prior to the annual business meeting. The committee will elect a chair-person and will propose a slate of candidates from the voting members in good standing. The Nominating Committee will seek out members interested in serving on the Board. A minimum of one candidate for each office must be submitted. All members contacting the Nominating Committee with an interest to serve will have their names placed on the slate and will be duly placed into nomination. The names of the candidates will be given to the Secretary and will be listed in the written notification of the annual business meeting. Additional nominations will be taken from the floor at the annual business meeting if requested. 

The Secretary shall place the names of the proposed slate of candidates onto the official Club ballot. The ballot shall provide spaces for names nominated from the floor. 

At the annual business meeting, the ballots shall be distributed to all members in attendance. Members shall enter additional names onto their ballots if floor nominations are made. 

The Secretary will collect all marked ballots. Ballots will be counted by the Chairman of the Nominating Committee and the Secretary. The Secretary will retain the ballots following the count. The results will be announced before the end of the annual business meeting. If there are no additional names nominated from the floor and only one name appears on the ballot for each elected position, the proposed slate shall be elected by acclamation. The President will not vote in this election except in the 

case of a tie vote for which the President will cast the tie breaking vote. In the case of positions not being filled, the President retains the right to appoint members to the unfilled position. 


Section E - Meetings, Quorum, and Voting Procedures 


A regularly scheduled meeting of the Club will held at least monthly unless cancelled by the President. Club business can and may be conducted at these meetings. Club related programs of interest can and may be presented to the membership. A majority vote of the members in good standing attending a regular scheduled meeting is required to resolve any question on the agenda not related to a By-Laws amendment or removal of officers. Voting will be done by a hand indication. Any minutes of these meetings shall be open for inspection by the membership and by staff members and directors of the Association. 

An annual business meeting of the membership shall be held for the purpose of electing the Board, receiving and approving the year to-date report of the Treasurer and conducting other such business as may properly come before it. A quorum for purposes of this annual business meeting shall consist of those members present that are in good standing. Voting will be done by ballot for contested offices; otherwise a hand vote can be used for uncontested offices. 

The Board shall meet quarterly at such time and place as designated by the President. A quorum of the Board members must be present in order to meet. The President will also call such meetings as deemed necessary or when directed to do so by a majority of Board members. The minutes shall be open for inspection by the Membership and by BoardMembers. A quorum for action at Board meetings shall consist of a majority of those Board members in attendance. 


Section F - Vacancies and Recall of Officers 

Should the office of the President become vacant, the Vice President will succeed to that position. Should any other office become vacant, the President will fill the vacancy by appointment from the Membership, subject to approval by a majority of the remaining Board members.  

Any Board Member may be recalled by the vote of a simple majority of the attending Membership at a regular or called meeting where a quorum is present. A quorum for purposes of this meeting is a simple majority of the membership at the meeting. Voting will be done by closed ballot. 



Section A - Types and Frequency of Meetings 

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Club will be held at least monthly unless cancelled by the President. 

The Board shall meet quarterly unless cancelled by the President. 

The annual business meeting of the Membership shall be held in November of each year at a regularly scheduled meeting.  

A special meeting of the membership may be called for a specific purpose or purposes as deemed necessary by the President or directed by a majority of voting members of the Board. Notice of any such called meeting will be sent to the membership by e-mail at least 15 days prior to the meeting date and the notice will state the purpose of the meeting. 


Section B - Conduct of Meetings/Parliamentary Procedure 

Meetings will be conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order or some other parliamentary meeting process to ensure order at the meetings.  

A quorum for a regular meeting or a special membership meeting is a simple majority of the membership at the meeting. 




Any member may request disciplinary action be taken against another member by presenting the reasons for such action to the Board in a closed meeting. Any and all related meetings will be recorded (written and/or audio). All members at any meeting will sign a statement of the meeting’s purpose, date and outcome. The Board will investigate the allegations and verify the circumstances of the incident. If necessary they will arrange for private peer counseling to be conducted and reported back in a timely manner. If the allegations are deemed worthy of further action by the Board, then the Board will take one of the following actions, as deemed appropriate: 


1. Close the matter without further action. 

2. Attempt to resolve the matter between the parties involved. 

3. Institute the appropriate procedures with the Association. 

All parties involved will be notified in writing within 15 days of any action taken on the request. 



Section A – Financial procedures for collection, deposit and expenditure of funds will comply with the procedures outlined in the Policy. 


Section B - Expenditures of $300 or more will require approval by a majority of members present at a regular meeting. Expenditures of more than $100, but less than $300 for a single project may be approved by the Board. Expenditures up to $100 for a single project may be approved by the President. 


Section C - Inventory control procedures will be as mandated by the Association and conducted following generally accepted accounting procedures. 





Section A - Permanent (Standing) Committees and/or CoordinatorsSafety Coordinator - Safety Coordinators shall be appointed by the President. They shall promote increased safety awareness on the part of all members; shall endeavor to improve the public perception of modeling as a safe and desirable hobby; and provide a means by which important safety information can be shared among club members.


Section B - Ad-hoc Committees 

Ad-hoc committees will be appointed by the President and will select their own chairperson and report same to the Board. 

All ad-hoc committees will receive a written Mission Statement from the President within 3 days of the committee being appointed. This may be in e-mail format. 


Section C - Special Interest Groups (SIG) 

A SIG may be organized to pursue activities on behalf of members sharing in the special interest. Membership shall be open to all members of the Club. 

Should a SIG break off from the Club and form their own chartered club, membership dues paid to the Club will remain with the Club. The club may however surrender funds to the newly formed club if approved by a majority of the Club's membership. 

Each year all SIG's shall: 

1. Elect their own Chairperson and other such officers, except a      Treasurer, as they may need to function. This Chairperson will sit in on Board meetings; however, will not have a Board vote. 

2.   Review their statement of purpose and submit changes to the Board. 

3.   Arrange their own program activities. 


Section D - SIG's Statement of Purpose 

The Board shall review and approve written statements of the purpose for each SIG before the SIG is formed and whenever an existing statement of purpose is changed. 




Section A - Recommended amendments to these By-Laws shall require a majority vote of the membership present at a regular meeting or a special meeting called for such purpose and for which notice has been sent by e-mail to the membership at least 15 days before the meeting. These By-Laws may be amended by a simple majority of a quorum of the membership at the meeting. 


Section B - Any member in good standing, with the written endorsements of at least four other members in good standing, may propose an amendment to these bylaws. Members are to be sent a copy of the proposed changes by e-mail at least 15 days before such meeting. 




Upon Club dissolution, all Club assets (monies, inventory and equipment) will remain the assets of the Association. 


Section A - Prior to Club dissolution all debts shall be satisfied. 


Section B - To dissolve the Club requires a two-thirds majority vote of a membership at a special meeting after the necessary fifteen (15) day notice is given. 


FOR THE CLUB:                                    FOR THE ASSOCIATION: 


__________________________            _________________________

Name/Signature                                      Name/Signature

Title                                                         Title


 __________________________           _________________________

Date                                                        Date