Fall Star Party

Event Date: Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Event Time: 5:30 pm
Event End Date: Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Event End Time: 10:00 pm

Nature Club Astronomy Star Party at the Cowan Creek Park Pavilion

Fall Star Party November 18th, 5:30-10:00PM, weather permitting. Bring  your lawn chair, a sharp pencil and a flashlight (preferably red-lensed).  Bring binoculars if you have them.

Note: Red balloons will be provided for flashlights that do not have a red lens.

Members of the Astronomy SIG will guide the visual and binocular star-gazing and we will have several telescopes to view planets, galaxies nebulae, and star clusters.

Watch Sun City and Nature Club Web Site Calendars and Channel 18 (formerly 79) for weather postponements and other updates.

Free and open to all Sun City residents.

Contact Astronomy SIG Co-Leader: Micheal Starch, (512) 868-1076 or Ed Wiley, (512) 688-1071.

Download Program Guide for printout at the following link: