Spanish SIG

Community Association

Welcome to the Spanish Special Interest Group

Thank you for visiting the microsite of the Spanish Special Interest Group (SIG) of the International Languages Learning Club.

For more information on activities or to volunteer to teach a Spanish class or facilitate an activity or to share an idea, contact the SIG Director, Kathy Barnes at [email protected].

We offer a variety of Spanish classes -- click on "COURSES" (here or in the menu bar at the left).  Each class lists a contact person where you can get more information about the class.  We will continue to update this list as new classes are formed and become available.

You will also find special event announcements, Latin American trivia and information about many Spanish speaking countries.

If you are not already a member of The International Languages Learning Club and would like to join, please click on "How to Join" on the Language Club home page.

Come back often and find out what is new!