

The Neighborhood Representative Organization (NRO) plays a vital role in ensuring the neighborhoods in Sun City (SC) keep active, vibrant, and well-informed about what is going on inside and outside of SC.  The NRO ensures there is open communication between the neighborhoods, the Community Association (CA) Staff and the SC Board of Directors, as well as Committees and Chartered Clubs, and the NRO itself.

There are over 85 neighborhoods, (and growing), in SC. Each neighborhood is part of the NRO and has a Neighborhood Representative (NRep) and an Alternate Representative (Alt Rep). To further foster communications and social activities within each neighborhood, they each have a network of Block Captains (BCs). Along with other contributors, the BCs support the NRep’s and Alt Rep’s responsibilities. This ensures solid communications among the neighborhood residents, which is an important role for the neighborhood leadership team. Together, they all help to organize neighborhood social activities, welcome new neighbors, support NRO and CA related programs and connect each neighborhood to the larger SC community.

The NReps and Alt Reps attend monthly meetings of the NRO, that are held the third Wednesday of each month. Each meeting’s agenda includes speakers from both SC Texas organizations and groups from the surrounding communities, with opportunities for input and discussion from the attendees on topics of interest. Each of the 85 plus neighborhoods is part of one of five areas, with each area lead by an Area Coordinator (AC), who works with the NReps and Alt Reps who are part of their respective area.

The NRO provides support to the NReps, Alt Reps, and BCs, facilitates the launch of new neighborhoods and communicates with the residents in several ways, including the NRO Bulletin. This communication is issued bi-weekly, via email, and contains useful information about the NRO and its programs on Sun City community information and local Georgetown events.

The NRO Website includes a great deal of information to help the neighborhood leaders stay informed, answer questions and point residences in the right direction.  The site is also a good resource for all residents. Whether you are new to using the site or have used it before, a good place to start is the Site Map, which provides an easy way to find information contained on the site.

The NRO and CA also manage several Sun City Programs that are points of contact for community and neighborhood information. (Click on the picture below for more information):



NRO New Neighbor Welcome Program



New Neighbor Round Up



Meet Your Community: Welcome Day



Water Matters



Sun City Recycles



Sharing Our Senior Resources




Neighborhood Emergency Coordinators (NEC)



Sun City NRO Bulletins & Guidelines