Club Information


 Sun City Texas Line Dancers

The information below is designed to assist you as a new member of the line dancers club.

The purpose of our club is to: Teach, learn and dance line dances; encourage fellowship and

friendship among members, and provide physical and mental exercise via dancing.

Think safety first. Always be courteous to and aware of those dancing around you.

Allow enough space between yourself and other dancers and between the rows to provide for

turning and other dance steps. Be aware of your environment. If you see a spill or debris on

the dance floor, please clean it up or call it to the attention of a teacher or club officer for

proper clean up.

Footwear: Footwear should provide the sliding capability without being slippery. Some

people choose to wear bowling shoes for line dancing. It is not safe to just wear socks

without shoes nor is it safe to wear sandals without heel straps. You could slip, fall or sustain

an injury to your feet.

Learning the dances: Instructions for our dances are available on the Sun City Texas

Web Site ( Under Clubs and Groups click on Chartered Clubs and then

click on Line Dance Club. On the left menu of the Line Dancers club site you will see Dance

Instructions. Click on Dance Instructions and then select the dance and print. There are also

links directly after the name of the dance to YouTube walk-throughs and teaching of the


Suggestion Box: There is a suggestion box available on the sign-in table each week that

may be used to communicate your ideas, concerns, etc. to the club board.

Sunshine Box: If you know of a member who is going through a rough time (due to

illness, injury or a death in the family) please write his/her name and reason for contact on

one of the cards in the Sunshine Box and the Sunshine chairman will send a card to that

member on behalf of the club.

Board meetings: The board meets bimonthly beginning in January. Members are always

welcome to attend the Board meetings (dates are listed on the bulletin board and also

announced via email by the secretary). Agendas and minutes are available on our website

under the members' only section.

Bulletin Boards: Across from the sign-in table there are bulletin boards that post helpful

information such as dates for the socials, board meetings and names of the current dances

being taught. They also display pictures of the current board members to assist you in

identifying the officers.