Database Administrator/Developer

Sun City Texas Computer Club
Membership Directorate
Position Description 0037


Leads a development staff in the design, programming and enhancement of the membership database. Monitors, maintains, and expands the database as necessary. Provides integration of the database application with other Club applications. Exercises responsibility for database backup and disaster recovery procedures. Evaluates and recommends upgrade solutions as deemed appropriate. Utilizing membership applications, surveys, and participation reports, provides for the entry of membership information, including payment of fees, into the database. Provides direction and guidance to a small staff, including Programmers and Data Entry Specialists, as required.


The Membership Director, who provides overall assignments and objectives. The Database Administrator also works cooperatively with the Training Director and other club officers who may need to develop input into the database or who may need special reports.


General knowledge of Computer Club organization and functions. Experience in optimizing database performance. Working knowledge of distributed databases.

Writtten/revised: 12/05