From: Sun City Texas Community Association
Date/Time: 4/11/2020 7:22 pm
Subject: Special Communicator - Wilco Mask Brigade

 Special Communicator
April 11, 2020

Dear Friends in Sun City,

We would like to invite you to participate in the Wilco Mask Brigade. Official information about the masks (patterns and details on the process) can be found at There is a very convenient list of the frequently asked questions that you may find helpful as well. We have been refining that page based on feedback from some of you. Thank you for reaching out with comments.

Please know that we are using a very defined process to distribute masks. Our intent is to distribute to first responders, medical professionals, and others at high risk (nursing home residents, individuals who are considered essential due to their work, for example). At the current time, we are not able to distribute masks to the general public. You may not encounter the masks you make on a regular basis, but please know that they are getting out, and they are GREATLY appreciated. We will also be adding a link to our site later today where those targeted groups can submit requests for masks. If you or your loved one is a member of one of these targeted groups, please ask them to check the website and submit a request. As this situation continues to unfold on a daily basis, we will continue to adjust our processes to meet the needs of our community. 

Thank you for participating in this effort!  We especially want to thank those who have been making masks for distribution through the COAD, as well as those who have been cutting and pleating fabric (led by Lt. Col. Paula Dennis), and the participating members of the Fabric and Fiber Club (led by Lt. Col. Jean Prouty), who have been sewing the completed masks.  You are all part of what makes our community great! 


The Wilco Mask Brigade

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