From: Sun City Texas Community Association
Date/Time: 5/6/2024 8:15 am
Subject: CA Board Election Communicator - May 6, 2024

2024 CA Board Election Communicator

May 6, 2024

Help us reach the 10% quorum!

There are four qualified candidates running for two positions on the Sun City Texas Community Association Board of Directors. Residents may include write-in candidates.


Our Bylaws stipulate that we must meet a 10% quorum of membership to facilitate the election, so get involved today and vote! 


To vote online Click Here or click the VOTE NOW button (login required). Paper ballots are available at the Social Center Monitor's desk. 

Notice of Annual Meeting

The Sun City Texas Community Association will hold a meeting of resident members on Thursday, May 23 at 2 p.m. in the Social Center Ballroom to elect two resident directors to the Board of Directors.

Meet the Candidates

Joe Digiacomo

Sun City is a big business, and getting bigger. Our 2024 budget is almost $26 million dollars.


As a practicing engineer for 50 years, and a co-owner (now retired) of a $75 million engineering and manufacturing company, I have the skillset and experience needed to ensure Sun City Texas continues to be the best retirement community in the U.S. We must spend your money in the most cost-effective way, without losing the attributes that make Sun City Texas the best place to live.


Sun City Activities


CO-MANAGER - COPS Training Team

AARP/IRS Tax Preparation/Counseling - at Cowan Creek Amenity Center


TREASURER - New York Club

MEMBER - Artificial Turf Task Group

PAST MEMBER - Sun City Finance Committee


City of Georgetown Activities

MEMBER - Georgetown COPS

MEMBER - Civilian Police Academy Alumni Association

PAST MEMBER - Zoning Board of Adjustment

GRADUATE - Georgetown Leadership Academy

GRADUATE - Georgetown Civilian Police Academy



Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering

Master’s degree in Civil Engineering

MBA coursework

Donna Provence

It is important that we maintain a strong financial foundation and continue to grow our reserves and protect our capital asset fund. We must remain mindful of the eventual transition from developer to resident control. After transition we will not have the developer as a safety net financially. This will be one of the most important and stressful times we will ever have. It is a must that we are prepared. We will need our most talented leaders to guide us through this time. Donna Provence is a “proven, experienced leader.”


It is important to remember we are a community of retirees, many on fixed incomes. We must keep this in mind when making financial decisions.


It is important to encourage everyone to be good neighbors. That includes keeping an eye on our more elderly friends, as well as being respectful of one another at all times. Everyone has a right to their views and beliefs but not the right to force them on others.


It important for the Board of Directors to maintain a good working relationship with the developer, however our loyalties must lie with the residents of Sun City. We are a significant percent of the population of Georgetown and Williamson County. We need to work closely with them to keep our interests protected and preserved and our community safe.


It is important we maintain our amenities, landscapes, trails and fauna by working with Firewise and Water Matters and appropriate authorities. We must conserve our water resources and work in the best interest of our wildlife while constantly remaining aware of safety/security issues.


It is important to retain outstanding Staff to continue the excellent operations we have. We are fortunate to have such an award-winning group of employees and such a high retention rate.

Steve Ricks

I believe the community benefits most by electing residents who have a record of service to Sun City Texas. Success as a CA Board member depends on the insights such service brings along with the aptitude and ability to make informed decisions focused on maintaining and preserving what is in the best interests of the whole community. 


I have had the privilege of serving four years on the Property & Grounds Advisory Committee and I am completing my 6th year on the CA Board. I believe I have demonstrated my service and skills on a variety of community and staff projects, and programs and have done so on many occasions. I have been involved with our community’s use of water (and our other utilities) since 2009. During my time on the Board, I have had a contributing role in many community matters and accomplishments which included restoring our golf courses and operations to a high standard, helped guide our community through the COVID crisis, and played a leadership role in selecting our new Executive Director. The CA staff appropriately deserve the majority of the credit for these accomplishments, but your advisory committees, clubs, NRO and the CA Board played integral roles in the process of accomplishing these outcomes. 


Successful accomplishments like those mentioned above, and others, requires solid and respectful working relationships with many groups and individuals. It also requires an understanding of the many details involved in a process or program to assure sound decisions are made, the right help or assistance is provided, and the best possible courses of action are taken.   


I would appreciate your vote and support.

Christopher Demers

The future’s so bright we've gotta wear shades!


There’s much to love about the future of Sun City yet the key to realizing the future we desire is working on that now. Without pro-active steps this year, next year and after that to preserve and pursue what we love about our community, the future might end looking very different than we want.


The biggest structural challenge we face is availability of water, both potable and non-potable. This is a generational issue and we need to take serious steps now to get in front of it the future is certainly not going to be the one we want. Water affects all of Central Texas so our work has to be connected to the city, county and region as well.


We need concerted focus here.


Beyond water, there are other infrastructure issues we need to think about. Parts of Sun City are 20 years old now and these structures and facilities may need more than simple refreshment. Access to events and buildings for an aging population will always be a need; are we on top of that? Polling our residents is a key way to find out.


And the ongoing demand for space to store all our “stuff” continues. We need to balance the proliferation of sheds with the aesthetic value of the community and our amenity centers.


Finally, beyond utilities and infrastructure we ought to ask ourselves if the character of our community is changing for the better. Do our golf courses look and play as well as they can? Other attributes like softball, tennis, hiking and pickleball need to be maintained and yes, improved. Are we adding features, encouraging vibrant neighborhood behavior and maintaining the culture we desire?


Together we can build our future.

Candidate Forum Q&A

Each candidate was given five questions to which they provided answers.

Click here to read the questions and candidates' answers >>

Additional Information


Voting will begin today, Wednesday, May 1, and concludes at the Annual Members Meeting on Thursday, May 23. Each eligible household in the community will have one vote in the election. Ballots will be accepted online until Thursday, May 23 at 2 p.m. or in person at the Annual Members Meeting from 2-2:30 p.m. Renters are not eligible to vote.


Online Voting

To vote online log in to using your Member ID and password. Once you have logged in, a link to cast your vote online will be available on your Resident Home PageClick here for details>>


Paper Ballots

If you prefer to vote in the Board of Directors election via paper ballot, paper ballots

will be available at the monitor’s desk in the Social Center at Texas Drive until Thursday, May 23 at 2 p.m.  


Owners of Multiple Homes or Owners Who Rent Their Home

For those who own multiple homes or rent out their home, you will now be able to vote online by logging in to the website using the Member ID associated with your home. Paper ballots will no longer be mailed. 



Please contact [email protected] or 512-948-7704 with any questions you may have about this very important annual process.

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