HOA and LMH 2023 Annual Dues
Deadline Extension
This is a friendly reminder that HOA and LMH dues for those who pay annually were due today, Jan. 31, by close of business.  Due to the inclement weather conditions, we are extending the deadline to Friday, Feb. 3, by close of business. A 1.25% monthly late fee will be assessed on all items not paid by close of business Friday, Feb. 3. Thanks to all who have already paid their HOA and LMH dues for 2023. For those who have opted to make payments by monthly or quarterly bank drafts, this does not apply to you.  
Payment Options are as follows:
  • Online through the website www.sctexas.org Follow the links for Account Statements.  
  • Visit the Member Services office. 
  • Drop off your payment at one of two available drop boxes (mail slot on the exterior wall of the Social Center side entrance, or the blue box located at the Social Center monitors desk).
  • Call 512-948-7680 and leave a message for us to call you back.
If you have any questions, please contact billing at [email protected] or call 512-948-7714.