From: CA Communicator
Date/Time: 9/29/2016 10:00 am
Subject: Flu Shot Clinic & Garage Sale

Friday & Saturday
in Sun City:


imgFlu & Pneumonia
Shot Clinic

Friday, September 30
9 a.m. - 2 p.m. • Social Center Ballroom

The Sun City Emergency Management Committee will host the Flu & Pneumonia Shot Clinic tomorrow. Walgreens will provide Trivalent Standard and High Dose Flu vaccines and Pneumovax and Prevnar-13 vaccines. If you are not sure which vaccines to take or have any questions about the flu or pneumonia vaccines, check with your physician.

Medicare and other insurances may pay for the flu vaccine. Pick up a consent form at any Monitors desk. 

Garage Sale

Saturday, October 1
8 a.m. - 12 noon
Social Center Parking Lot

This event is SOLD OUT, so it’s sure to be a great place for you to shop for new treasures, furniture, household items and more! Reminder to our shoppers - no entry before 8 a.m.

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