From: CA Board Communicator
Date/Time: 8/12/2016 12:30 pm
Subject: Board of Directors Workshop Recap - August 12, 2016

Board of Directors Workshop Recap
August 11, 2016

CA Financials
Financials as of May 31, 2016 »
Financials as of June 30, 2016 »
The Community Association's Financials for May and June 2016 were presented by Ann Dodson, Director of Finance. HOA revenue of $928,621 was reported for the month of June compared to the budgeted amount of $1,149,950. Home closings for the month were 22 on a budget of 25. The Golf revenue was $370,618 compared to the budgeted amount of $385,247. Golf expenses were $359,330 compared to budgeted expenses of $351,356. Overall, the CA ended the month with a surplus of $90,666 on a budgeted surplus of $154,096 for an unfavorable variance of $63,430. The Finance Committee will meet on August 23 at 1 p.m. in the Activities Center to review July 2016 financials. The July financials will be posted on the website on Wednesday, August 24. Action will be taken on the May, June and July financials at the August 25 Board Meeting.

Expansion Update
The Developer provide the audience with a brief update on the community expansion. The Existing Amenities and Expansion Task Forces continue to meet and work towards completion of their projects. The Queens tract amenity building has been pushed back to late 2018 in order for the rooftops to be adequate for the cost of the building, however, Pickleball will come online in late 2017 for that area. Cowan Creek Amenity Center projects are nearing completion and there will be additional information available in the next few months.

Golf Course Renovation Project Update
Gary Wilson, Director of Golf, reported on the future renovations golf course and stated four of the six phases have been completed: Research and Analysis Phase, Schematic Design Phase, Design Development Phase and the Master Plan Phase. The high resolution master plan renderings and interactive graphics have been completed. Staff has received the renderings which will be put on posters and for display in the clubhouses, community center, etc.

The interactive graphics are going to be placed on the Sun City Texas website. Each of the renderings will be posted there as well, and users will have the ability to zoom in on individual holes, find their houses on the golf courses, etc. Fry/Straka has written an introduction as part of the graphics. Upcoming in the project is the Permitting Phase. The permitting package is currently being put together by the Engineering firm and should be complete no later than Nov.1 which anticipates receiving city approved permits during the first of the year.

BrightView Contract
Staff presented the Board with a renewal of the current contract with BrightView, the common area landscape company. The CA is in the final and third year of the current contact, which allows for an extension of the contract if we are pleased with BrightView’s performance. Staff is pleased with BrightView’s performance and requested the Board consider approving an extension to continue to contract with BrightView for three more years. The proposed contract is for another three years with no price increase in the first year and in years 2 and 3, each will have a one percent increase. Both Property & Grounds and Finance Committees have reviewed the proposal and have approved. Board will take a vote on BrightView contract at the August 25 Board Meeting.

Nominating Committee (NC) Charter
Draft of Nominating Committee Charter »
The NC provided the Board with amendments to their charter. One of the proposed amendments is the Committee’s desire to create sub-committees to their charter. Sub-committee members are not vetted through neither the NC nor the Board of Directors. While all committees have the ability to select sub-committees, some Board members expressed that the NC has much confidential information that needs to be seen by NC members only. Staff expressed that any confidential information or projects needed for the NC could be executed by the NC’s staff liaison. The Board will vote on the changes to the charter at the August 25 Board Meeting.

Communications Committee Charter
Draft of Communications Committee Charter »
The Communications Committee provided the Board with amendments to their charter. Included in the amendment recommendations were efforts regarding volunteerism. Several board members expressed the idea that many of the tasks the Communications Committee are proposing are currently conducted by other organizations, such as NRO and the Nominating Committee. It was further added that the Communications Committee has not been tasked by the Board in recent years and that the Board does not have any foreseeable projects for future. The Board expressed the desire to make best use of volunteer time which continues to make Sun City Texas great and will consider disbanding the Committee and consider re-instituting years later if there is a need. The Board will take action on this item at the August 25 Board Meeting.

Landscaped Maintained Homes (LMH) Committee Charter
LMH Committee Charter »
The Board and the LMH Committee reviewed their current charter and discussed the continued need of their assistance to staff and the LMH community. LMH also recommended they review their charter for updates to how the program works today. The Board also indicated to the resident audience that the LMH Committee is comprised of residents who live in Maintained Homes and reached out for more participation of those residents on the LMH Committee. The Board will discuss this at the August 25 Board Meeting.


Resident Directors Open Session
Wednesday, August 17 • 3 p.m.
Cowan Creek Amenity Center
GT/Florence Rooms

Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, August 25
1 p.m. • Social Center Ballroom

Visit of the Board's website »

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