From: Sun City Texas Community Association
Date/Time: 5/13/2024 9:30 am
Subject: CA Board Election Communicator - May 13, 2024

2024 CA Board Election Communicator

May 13, 2024

Notice of Annual Meeting

The Sun City Texas Community Association will hold a meeting of resident members on Thursday, May 23 at 2 p.m. in the Social Center Ballroom to elect two resident directors to the Board of Directors.

Click here to enlarge instructions >>

Meet the Candidates

Donna Provence

Happy Spring, everyone! Things are in full swing in Sun City Texas. You may have noticed the Communicators and notices recently asking for volunteers for our Advisory Committees. It’s also time for the annual Board of Directors election and Directors are also volunteers.


Many residents of Sun City Texas, both new and long-time residents, are not aware of how much Community Association operations are supplemented by volunteers who join committees, subcommittees and task forces and give thousands of hours of their “retirement time” doing research, legwork, and offering professional expertise. Kudos to the brilliant individuals who developed our Advisory Committee system!  It saves us a lot of money! Just think if we had to pay for all this knowledge and experience!


Resident volunteers are from all walks of life…military, education, business, science, medicine, government…and more.  I served 4 years on Nominating Committee and interviewed residents for committees, and I am in awe of the talent we have available to us!


In the back pages of Sun Rays magazine are listed the committees that advise and support the staff and Board of Directors.  Along with listed committees is information regarding meetings, most of which are open to residents, with the exception of Nominating, Covenants, and Modifications. 


Volunteers also serve in Neighborhood Representative Organization (NRO) and attend meetings, disseminate information to neighbors, and coordinate activities.


Steve Ricks

A successful community future cannot be accomplished without the right CA staff in place. The current staff leadership has the right age and experience to manage our community effectively into the foreseeable future. Foremost for this team will be its continued fiscal diligence in the preparation and management of the community income and expenses.  With transition the importance of managing “within budget” becomes even more key to every resident in Sun City Texas and we are fortunate that your CA staff have a long track record of managing the operation of your community within budget. 


With the staff and budget management pieces in place what else needs to be done, continued, or improved that allows the community to operate successfully now and into transition? I believe that the areas that the Board, CA staff, Advisory committees and the community must continuously assess and appropriately address are the following: 


  • Inspection and due diligence of our physical assets (buildings, amenities, and support facilities) to assure they are properly maintained and/or upgraded as appropriate to preserve their function or service lives. 
  • Maintain and operate a high quality and revenue positive golf amenity.
  • Willingness to continue to improve work process and guidance documents.
  • Assure we maintain a healthy and appropriately funded Reserve account.
  • Fund and maintain an appropriate working capital fund.
  • Fully develop a capital asset selection and funding process that addresses small and large projects.
  • Maintain the community common areas in a responsible manner and in keeping with the overall attractiveness standards of the community.
  • Continue to fund and operate responsible fire wise, emergency management, wildlife, and waterways maintenance programs.
  • Assure City fire, police, and emergency services and City utilities and maintenance appropriately serve our needs.  
  • Encourage and develop future CA leadership. 
  • Identify and assess needed “additions or enhancements” to our existing amenities and facilities.


As a current CA Board and former advisory committee member I feel I have familiarity with these matters and established working relationships with our advisory committees, CA staff, NRO, City and County representatives and our Developer that enable me to be a valuable part of addressing these needs.


I would appreciate your vote and support.

Christopher Demers

One of the things we’re proud of and secure in, here in Sun City, is our safety, usually thinking about our physical safety.


Between our cooperation with the Georgetown PD, our COPs program and the vigilance of our neighbors, there is very little physical crime here and our awareness must keep it that way.


Today though I want to suggest we start thinking a little more broadly about safety to include our financial and emotional well-being, especially important for us as we age.


We have residents working earnestly keeping us aware of advancing fraud tricks and tools. Sometimes honest people like us can be a little too trusting.


I believe we’ve got to keep the attention on and get the word out that financial fraud is designed and perpetrated by professionals. Part of my goal is to heighten awareness of techniques these cyber criminals use to swindle our neighbors out of money and personal information.


Another key part of my plank is to pay more attention to emotional safety. As an older community we’ve all lost loved ones. A partner, neighbor, friend from church or a club. These losses hurt more than we expect sometimes and we need to make sure help and support is available for those missing loved ones.


Sometimes as we age and lose loved ones, we become more closed off from the world. But I think we can and should increase our outreach to neighbors who are grieving or suffering. With more reach out from the various support groups in Sun City, we can do that.


And we should.


Physical safety is paramount. Yet we need to also consider other forms of safety as well to live the life want in Sun City.

Joe Digiacomo

Sun City is a big business, and getting bigger. Our 2024 budget is almost $26 million dollars.


As a practicing engineer for 50 years, and a co-owner (now retired) of a $75 million engineering and manufacturing company, I have the skillset and experience needed to ensure Sun City Texas continues to be the best retirement community in the U.S. We must spend your money in the most cost-effective way, without losing the attributes that make Sun City Texas the best place to live.


Sun City Activities


CO-MANAGER - COPS Training Team

AARP/IRS Tax Preparation/Counseling - at Cowan Creek Amenity Center


TREASURER - New York Club

MEMBER - Artificial Turf Task Group

PAST MEMBER - Sun City Finance Committee


City of Georgetown Activities

MEMBER - Georgetown COPS

MEMBER - Civilian Police Academy Alumni Association

PAST MEMBER - Zoning Board of Adjustment

GRADUATE - Georgetown Leadership Academy

GRADUATE - Georgetown Civilian Police Academy



Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering

Master’s degree in Civil Engineering

MBA coursework

Candidate Forum Q&A

Each candidate was given five questions to which they provided answers.

Click here to read the questions and candidates' answers >>

Additional Information


Voting will begin today, Wednesday, May 1, and concludes at the Annual Members Meeting on Thursday, May 23. Each eligible household in the community will have one vote in the election. Ballots will be accepted online until Thursday, May 23 at 2 p.m. or in person at the Annual Members Meeting from 2-2:30 p.m. Renters are not eligible to vote.


Online Voting

To vote online log in to using your Member ID and password. Once you have logged in, a link to cast your vote online will be available on your Resident Home PageClick here for details>>


Paper Ballots

If you prefer to vote in the Board of Directors election via paper ballot, paper ballots

will be available at the monitor’s desk in the Social Center at Texas Drive until Thursday, May 23 at 2 p.m.  


Owners of Multiple Homes or Owners Who Rent Their Home

For those who own multiple homes or rent out their home, you will now be able to vote online by logging in to the website using the Member ID associated with your home. Paper ballots will no longer be mailed. 



Please contact [email protected] or 512-948-7704 with any questions you may have about this very important annual process.

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