Submitted by Katie Newnam, Director of Administration and Human Resources
512-948-7704, [email protected]
Sandy Goodman, Board Secretary, reviewed and acknowledged the unanimous consent items approved by the Board since the February 2020 Meeting. The Board recognized the various Committee reports submitted and thanked the volunteers for all their efforts.
CA Financials  
The Community Association's Financials for July 2020 were presented to the Board by Ann Dodson, Director of Finance. HOA revenue of $951,679 was reported for the month of July compared to the budgeted amount of $1,053,973. Home closings for the month were 25 on a budget of 21. The Golf revenue was $383,132 compared to the budgeted amount of $354,535. Golf expenses were $417,780 compared to budgeted expenses of $416,642. Overall, the CA ended the month with a surplus of $7,514 on a budgeted deficit of $107,093 for a favorable variance of $114,607. The Board unanimously approved the June and July 2020 Financial statements. 
Neighborhood Monument Signs    
The Board discussed allowing/ placing neighborhood numbers on existing monument signs at the entries to neighborhoods. Pulte supports allowing this and if the full Board supports, Pulte will begin adding numbers to the monument signs for all future neighborhoods. For those neighborhoods without monument signs, there is need to design a sign that neighborhoods would need to follow and determine who funds for the installation of the number sign to be installed. The question was raised that for those neighborhoods who have multiple entries, how do we handle that location and cost? The Board will seek input from Property & Grounds and Modifications Committees before making any decisions. 
Design Guidelines                 
Design Guidelines >>                                                                                   
The Board reviewed a decision they made previously and then immediately rescinded to allow for Black Lives Matter flags/signs at a resident’s home. The Design Guidelines were not changed to allow for this. After further deliberation and with counsel from the CA’s attorney it was decided Black Lives Matter are “cause” type flags/signs and should not be allowed. Consequentially, the current allowance of the Blue Lives Matter flags/signs should be removed from section 5.9F, as the Blue Lives Matter flags/signs are also “cause” type flags/signs. Additionally, in this review it was noticed that Veterans Day was not listed in the holiday guidelines and will be added. The Board voted unanimously to disallow “cause” type flags/signs and to add Veterans Day to the holiday guidelines.
Staff is asking for the Board’s approval to foreclose on a vacant home that has been delinquent in dues for several years. This is only the third foreclosure the Community Association has processed since inception. The Board unanimously approved staff’s recommendation to proceed with foreclosure. 
Strategic Plan
Executive Director, Jim Romine, reviewed the community’s Strategic Plan and the updates to the plan since its last review in November 2019.  Areas include community goals, addressing safety and security, golf, amenity needs, balancing revenues and expenses, CA needs and requirements. The Board voted unanimously to approve the amendments. 
2019 Audit     
Staff worked with the auditing firm, Morrison, Friedrich & Spinn CPA’s, on the 2019 Audit. After a draft was received a final review with the Audit Committee was conducted. The Audit Committee recommended approval of the Audit to the Board noting the CA’s statements are accurate and in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The Board voted unanimously to approve the 2019 Audit, as presented.  
Maintenance of Austin Contract               
The housekeeping contract for the Community Association expires at the end of this year. Staff is requesting a three-year extension with the current contractor, Maintenance of Austin, as we continue a wonderful partnership and their rates continue to be competitive.  The Board voted unanimously to approve the request for extension of the contract noting staff will rebid the contract in 2023. 
Parking Policy                                   
Parking Policy >>           
The Board reviewed recommended amendments to the Parking Policy from the Property & Grounds Committee. Amendments were minor and related to grammar and general clean-up of the document. One addition recommended to the Scope of the policy is: “For sale signs on vehicles in CA parking areas are not permitted.” The Board voted unanimously to approve the amendments to the policy, as presented. 
Memorial and Donations Policy                 
The Board reviewed recommended amendments to the Memorials and Donations Policy from the Property & Grounds Committee. Amendments include:
  • Including a sketch or drawing of the memorial and 360-degree ground view photos of the proposed location and aerial view, as well as any alternative locations. Describe the reasons for selection of the proposed location and any alternative locations. The memorial cannot be located in a floodplain, floodway, easement or right-of-way. Describe to whom the memorial is dedicated. Describe how the memorial will be funded, and any procedures for maintaining the memorial to include future maintenance costs, if any. 
  • The Property and Grounds Committee will coordinate with the Community Standards Director to do a "member in good standing" check and the Facilities Maintenance Director regarding the maintenance, upkeep, and location of the proposed memorial prior to making a decision.
  • Any changes to the memorial, including landscape redesign, etc. must be submitted to P&G for approval prior to making any changes. Any changes must be in compliance with the CCR&Rs and CA Rules. 
The Board voted unanimously to approve the amendments to the policy, as presented. 
Catering Policy                                                                                                        
There are no proposed changes to the Catering Policy. The policy was due for review per the Policy Review Schedule. The Board voted unanimously to the policy, as presented. 
Annual Members Meeting and
Organizational Board Meeting Recap
New Resident Board Members with 2 Year Terms:
1647– Donna Provence
1595– Dennis Wilson
1200– Kenneth Michaelis
131– Morris Greenberg
A 29.87% quorum was reached. 
Write In Candidates: (each received one vote unless otherwise noted)
Leslie Cabellos
Marvin McNeil
Steve Fought
David Stout
Ben Cardinal
Ed Cahill
Rick Ferri
Keith Tucker
John Gulling
Marc Levin
Arlene Levin
Mike Brown
Rand Paul
Ted Cruz
Organizational Board Meeting Results
Board Officers:
President – Stephen Ashlock
Vice President – Dennis Wilson
Treasurer – Steve Ricks
Secretary – Sandy Goodman
Audit Committee: Stephen Ashlock, Steve Ricks, Dennis Wilson
Check Signatures: Stephen Ashlock, Dennis Wilson