From: Sun City Texas Community Association
Date/Time: 8/21/2020 9:00 am
Subject: CA Communicator - Weekly Bulletin - Aug. 21, 2020

 CA Communicator
August 21, 2020
 Follow Us on Social Media
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  • Board of Directors Annual Meeting
  • Thursday, Aug. 27, 1 p.m., SCB - reservation required
  • Live on Channel 18
The Board agenda and read-ahead materials are posted online 72 hours in advance at > Resident Home > Community Association Info > Board.
A video of the meeting will be posted on the website following the meeting under Communications > Videos. The front doors of the Social Center building will open at 12:30 p.m. to allow residents time to check-in. Masks are required to enter and must be worn while in the building.  Temperature checks will be done before entering the ballroom. Remember to maintain a six-foot physical distance from all attendees. Chairs in the ballroom will be set up six feet apart. The restrooms will be open but offices are by appointment only and the library is still closed. Please click here  to reserve your space for the Board Meeting. The maximum reservation capacity is 100 residents.  
Social distancing and hand sanitizing are considered by the Board and Staff to be primary components in stopping the spread of this virus. These practices are however an individual responsibility for your protection and that of others. Participation in any indoor activity, particularly during these uncertain times, is a personal choice and is done so at your own risk.
Advisory Committees assist and advise in the governance of Sun City. Applications are open now for residents to apply. Serving with fellow residents on a committee is a rewarding experience.
Openings exist on Charter Clubs, Covenants, Emergency Management, Finance, Golf, Modifications, Property & Grounds and Wildlife Committees. Go to the Nominating Committee’s micro-site, just click here, for all the necessary information to apply. If you are unable to print the application, please contact [email protected] for assistance.
Applicant interviews with the Nominating Committee will be confirmed at a later time. 
Remember that applications are due on Friday, Sept. 11 by 4 p.m. 
 New Pool and Hot Tub Times
Remember our amazing spas and how good it felt to relax in the warm effervescence? Have you been anticipating more pool options and pool times?
Get ready, because those days are back!
Changes to outdoor and indoor pools and spas procedures will go into effect on Monday, Aug. 31. Please click here to read the new guidelines and information.
Friendly Reminders- Pathway Safety for All
Submitted by Jim Romine, Executive Director
It has been brought to my attention that some golf cart drivers are not yielding to pedestrians who are crossing the bridge on the pathway between N-59 and Sun City Blvd. Please remember this section of the pathway must be shared and the area for pedestrians is painted in yellow on the bridge. See photos above. The white lines were added in the curved sections of the golf cart path to help keep golf carts on their side of the pathway and to keep all safe and to avoid a head-on collision of two carts.
Please be safe and remember, a golf cart can seriously injure a pedestrian and we all need to look out for each other. Other rules for this area are pedestrians need to stay on their mulched pathway (except when crossing the bridge) and dogs must stay on a leash. Also, cyclists must walk their bikes on the mulched pathway and are not permitted to use the golf cart pathway. Be safe and be kind.
Request for Submissions: Behind the Brick
You’ve probably seen the many bricks which have been placed in the Veterans Memorial Plaza located in the heart of Sun City. Since its dedication in 2003, over 4,300 bricks honoring servicemen and women have been placed within this plaza. But with room for only 48 letters, numbers and spaces on the brick, the words can only tell a fraction of the honorees’ stories. Sun Rays would like to tell the rest.
If you have ever purchased or been honored by a brick, tell us the story behind the name, unit, ship or organization inscribed. Stories will be featured Sun Rays’ “Behind the Brick” series. Submissions should be no more than 500 words, and photographs are highly encouraged. Sun Rays will be happy to document awards, medals and other ephemera upon request. Please send your stories to [email protected] by Friday, Oct. 16 to be featured in 2021. Direct questions to Jaime Calder at [email protected] or 512-948-7745.
 Pet Do's and Don't's
Just a reminder to please keep control of your pet while out walking, especially when encountering other people and animals on sidewalks, streets and common areas. Dogs must be on a leash at all times (unless at the Dog Park) and under positive control so as not to interfere with or pose a threat to any person or animal. 
Ask permission before letting your dog greet another dog or human. Some folks have had negative experiences with dogs and may not want to be greeted so 'enthusiastically'.
Click here for more Pet Guidelines
Please Don't Feed
the Wildlife
Deer corn is unhealthy for deer. It can cause digestive problems and malnutrition because the deer might feel full but they are not getting proper nutrients. 
Additionally, feeding deer destroys local habitat by attracting more deer to an area than it can naturally support and, quite frankly, deer are designed to live without our help, as are all wild animals.
Click here to read the rules and to find out about SCTX wildlife.
Dry Weather, Wildfires and Sun City
Submitted by the Firewise Group
Summer, dry weather and dry vegetation are the ingredients of a wildfire. Add a discarded cigarette, a running car parked on dry grass, or other sources of ignition - then add a 30+ mile per hour wind and a wildfire can get big quickly. A wildfire with woody vegetation involved will produce embers that the wind can carry some distance.
Sun City has wild land areas nearby. Those embers falling in Sun City could ignite vegetation and structures. The common areas within Sun City have had several wildfires over the years and several wildfires have occurred near Sun City over the past few weeks. These include the Florence fire and numerous roadside fires. Quick response by fire fighters have limited their size and impact.
Homeowners can check around the house to reduce the possibility of ignition. Keep leaves and other debris from accumulating near wood surfaces like door frames and wood decks. Also, make sure gutters are cleaned out.
Smoking materials have been the source of ignition in some cases. PLEASE DO NOT DISCARD SMOKING materials on the trails and golf courses! Dispose of these materials only in a safe container.
Please help the Firewise Group keep Sun City Safe!
 City and Government News
 Mosquito trap pool tests positive for West Nile Virus 
A mosquito trap sample collected Tuesday, Aug. 11 in Georgetown has tested positive for West Nile Virus. This testing is part of the City of Georgetown’s participation in the Williamson County and Cities Health District’s Integrated Vector Management program. The positive test was indicated in lab results from the Texas Department of State Health Services lab in Austin.
The sample was collected from a trap in the Sun City neighborhood along Yellow Rose Trail. West Nile Virus is the most common mosquito-borne disease in the United States. In 2020, there have been five mosquito trap pools that returned positive for West Nile Virus in Williamson County.
 Mosquito Management
Be "mosquito safe" this summer. Click below to read tips about mosquito control around your home.
Lower Water Usage
Water use from irrigation is leading to record demand on the water treatment system. Water production has exceeded 90 percent of plant capacity on multiple days in the past week.
The City of Georgetown is asking water customers who have an irrigation system to reduce demand by using the Seasonal Adjust setting on their system controllers.
Reducing usage to 90 percent with the Seasonal Adjust setting will decrease watering run times on the system without a significant effect on lawns and landscapes.

If water use continues to exceed 90 percent of plant capacity and is not reduced, then the City will enact Stage Two of the Drought Contingency Plan, which limits watering to one day per week. During the summer months, 75 percent of the water produced each day by water treatment plants is used for lawn and landscape irrigation. 
 Around Sun City
Maintenance at Mulligan's
Mulligan’s will be closed on Monday, Aug. 31 and Tuesday, Sept. 1 to install two new air conditioning condensers. They will reopen with regular business hours on Wednesday, Sept. 2.  
Wriggley's and Mulligan's offer dine-in and take-out
Both Mulligan's and Wriggley's are considered restaurants, not bars -- therefore they are open as long as our customers follow social distancing guidelines. Customers must  wear masks when entering, exiting and when moving around inside the buildings.  
 Mask Requirements
Masks are required at the Farmer's Market and the WOW! Bookmobile when they are in our parking lots. 
Thank you!
 Battery Collection
First Tuesday of the month
Recycle your single-use batteries! 
Temporarily, battery collection will be available on the first Tuesday of the month at the same table where you can get Yellow Bags. This is at the Farmer's Market in the Social Center parking area.  Yellow bags are handed out each Tuesday until 11 a.m. or until the supply of bags is runs out.
Accepting these: AA, AAA, C, D, 9V, hearing aid batteries, rechargeable batteries and cellphones. 
No cords, attachments, packaging, baggies or boxes will be accepted. 
 Additional Information
 Coming Events
 Board of Directors
Members Annual Meeting
Thursday, August 27
Reservation required - Click here>>
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